Friday, December 09, 2005

So we had our Christmas Season love feast. It's not as dodgey as it sounds. YWAM has these banquet type meals every once in a while to end a season. Our Discipleship Training School and School of Biblical Foundations have just finished their lecture phases and are moving into their outreaches, so we figured now would be a good time.

...The DTS and their kooky staff...

...My ministry team...


Blogger Dan said...

Some day, centuries from now, when archaeologists look over the remains of our age, they will debate, with great intensity the meaning of the Charlie's Angels pose. Why does this symbol recurr again and again? Why are three girls always pointing their fingers in such a fashion?

9:55 AM  
Blogger Deblin said...

Because we want people to understand that women don't need guns; we have other means of ending people. But the finger gun is so blatant and we don't want anyone to forget what we can do.

3:48 PM  

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